what to expect—

eat with your ears is a monthly newsletter to share the ideas that never fit at the dinner table. with food as it’s anchor, eat with your ears explores creativity and culture beyond and behind the kitchen. there isn’t a table big enough to fit all the people i love, so an e-meal will need to do… get it?! like email? but food…?

eat with your ears features 3 sections, each with a recipe or a playlist to keep you satisfied between monthly seatings—

stories that made me a better cook—and might make you one as well.

stay cookin’ newsletters are medium-format, neck-deep dives into techniques and recipes i discovered in the bowels of the culinary world.

from the tuscan olive harvest to a poetic regret written after i bought 2kg of mushrooms, stay cooking sandwiches the far reaches of a life love food—if i had a book deal, stay cookin is how it would read—romanticized, over-researched, and fuckin’ delicious.

if you were to die tomorrow, what would you eat?

last meal newsletters are short-format, cheeky banters about the bites, meals, bytes, and reels (…?) i could have died happily after tasting. this section is my rehearsal for when someone finally holds a gun to my head and asks for restaurant recommendation.

food writing tends towards eating-up-with-the-joneses while eat with your ears is slowing-down-with-your-ownses (…oof) last meal is like the eater listicle if it wasn’t written by a brunch munching interns bribed by blanding agencies.

every fridge has something mysterious fermenting in the back— every blog does too.

leftovers is a long-form-essay clean out of absurd ideas beyond the kitchen. no food-for-thought goes to waste at eat with your ears, even if it truly should be in the garbage can.

from quantum analysis of why human’s can’t remember the future to how fashion changes the makeup of our dna—leftovers throws all the spices in the pot. kitchen sink style. leftovers is if kurt vonegut wrote a column for bon appetit. food might be involved—but probably more metaphorically than literally.

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a digital dinner table for your mouth + ears


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